.......maybe it's hiding in Gus's bellybutton?

.......and speaking of hiding, it's Gus's favorite thing right now.
This is how he hides.
Like an ostrich with its' head in the sand.
Love it!

It may
look like Christmas around our house, Clark Griswold (Brian) put
tons of lights up in our yard & everything, but I've had a hard time this year really feeling it.
Maybe it's the horrible economy, or the fact that I've taken on too much AGAIN this year & feeling way too stressed, and really wishing we could pack up & hole up in a cabin right now, just our little family............ no concerts, school parties, office parties, huge family parties, neighbor gifts, kindergarten programs, church functions, gingerbread-house-making(
that has over-taken my kitchen for 3 days....post on that later), etc., etc.............And then I feel guilty, because I
should be enjoying this stuff, right???
My kids are!
But me.......not so much.
I find myself happily putting a big check-mark next to every holiday
thing we've done, saying, "Good! that's over!........Yay! that's done!"
Maybe I just need a Diet Coke.
Maybe after I finish this post I'll feel better & stop whining & focus on how incredibly blessed we all are!
After all, in the words of Sheryl Crow, "It's not having what you want, it's wanting what you got!"
Maybe I need to just
enjoy the journey!.........OK.... right after my shopping's done, everything wrapped, Christmas cards out, & gingerbread mess cleaned up.........

does make me happy just looking at Gus in his Christmas jammies!!!