We swore that we wouldn't think of getting her a cell phone til at least high school!
I mean, it's so ridiculous how every teenager & even 5th & 6th-graders have their own cell phones now!!
It's just wrong!!!
Then, in a moment of birthday weakness...............
So, let me explain myself.
My big problem with cell phones is the constant texting.
Brian has teenagers all the time, laid back in the chair (he's an Orthodontist), texting the whole time with their phone in their lap..........they can't even see it!!!
It's not a good thing!
So, I had texting disabled on her phone.
And she's quite OK with that. She's just so thrilled to have one.
And I must say, it does come in handy, like when she needs me to pick her up when she's done with an after-school activity, or if I ever need to reach her........since it's literally attached to her hip!!
And, there is not a more powerful bargaining tool out there.
She'll do anything to not lose her phone.
She'll even play with her little brothers, to not lose her phone!
She is now under my complete control!!
Well....... I won't go that far.