Aahhhh. The throes of morning sickness.
I would honestly much rather deal with any traumatic bodily injury than this.
This never goes away. Except when I'm dead asleep. So that's what I strive to be doing as much as possible.
I've tried EVERYTHING, from prescriptions to Sea-Bands to Dramamine to all forms of ginger and nothing works. Well, if it does work it's because it's knocked me out & then Gus is on the loose with no supervision, which has definitely happened & it's not a pretty sight when I come to.
Why the H - E - double-toothpicks did I think I needed to do this???
Like I really need more kids?
Like I really need to ruin my body a
sixth time?
Each day seems to drag on forever in my misery.
And then I realized......this is one way to solve the time-flying-by-too-quickly problem. Be sick & pregnant.
Right now I'd much rather have time blissfully flying by in a whirl of activity.
Why do we always want what we can't have?!
I know I'm Wendy Whiner right now, but this
is my journal & I need to get it out.
It's not like I haven't been through this before.
I've been sick with each pregnancy. I just seem to forget how bad it is until I'm in it again.
So a few weeks ago, after I found out, I set out to get as much holiday stuff done before it hit.
I tried to sqeeze in as much fall cooking (which I normally
love) as I could before I can't stand to even set foot in the kitchen.
That includes these babies. I am Mother-of-the-Year when I make these. My kids heart them so.
I got the Halloween decor going......

I got most of the Halloween costumes all set.
Except mine.
My original plan was to be Disco Roller Derby Chick. On rollerskates. Don't think that's going to happen this year.
I even got a lot of Christmas figured out and ordered.
Good thing.
Since now I'm a useless slug in Pukeville.
Here's to October, probably my favorite month, flying on by.