Saturday, February 27, 2010
Monday, February 22, 2010
I love spring. And I love our backyard.
The peach & pear blossoms are in full swing.
Soon to be followed by all the orange blossoms.
My favorite !
Right now our oranges are ripe & there's oodles of them......since we have 9 mature navel trees.
Please feel free to stop by if you want some. We have way more than we could ever eat or juice.
But it makes me so happy to look out our windows to see our trees polka-dotted with oranges.
It's raining right now as I type this, and I love it! Like most Arizonans, we all love it when it rains, because it's such a treat.
It doesn't happen that often.
Something about gray skies & raindrops makes me want to bake bread.....or brownies.
That's why Brian & I were so excited to go to Seattle for Dental School. It rains like 95 % of the time! It sounded absolutely dreamy. The complete opposite of Arizona!
And it was. For the first year or two......
I made alot of soup & bread in our tiny apartment's kitchen.
And then it got old.
Really old.
We craved the sunshine.
Brian would practically have a panic attack when a sunny day would come along when he was stuck inside at school!
We had Marlee & one of her first words was 'wet', and the very first phrase she learned to say was 'its' cold out there'. We spent alot of time at indoor playgrounds like the mall & McDonalds.
It was raining the day we packed up our U-Haul & left for our next adventure in Los Angeles. So happy to be leaving the miserable rain behind us.
Then our first year in California ended up being an El Nino year & L.A. got more rain than Seattle! Go figure.
So that was a long time ago & we're desert people again......and loving the rain again.
Bring it on!
The Stapley Talent Show
I never posted this picture of what Marlee got for me for Christmas.......
Friday, February 19, 2010
Gus turns 4 !
About 10 years ago...... when I wanted to slit my wrists before I was even half-way done.
Just like a pregnancy, I guess. You forget the pain & misery, and then one day you find yourself doing it again!!
I barely finished it in time!
Cursing myself.
And I don't think Gus really truly appreciated it.
Sunday, February 14, 2010
Happy Valentine's Day!
Do you love? We did.
And we always have to make Valentine's sugar cookies (my fave), since I can't ever pass up all the pink & heart sprinkles at the grocery store......and I was extra excited since I'm pregnant & am eating for two!!
Friday, February 12, 2010
They're almost home......
from school.
and I wanted to take a picture of the cute Valentine's M&M jar before it's attacked...... that scene in 'The Christmas Story' where the Bumpus's dogs get into the kitchen & attack the Christmas turkey. Just like that.
I don't know why I even did this!
And here's our FHE project last week........
......showing our love for each other.
Gus really got into it. His all had drawings on them & most of his are taped on the lower cupboards & weird random places.
We thought the pets would like one.
Only give them a can of tuna.
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
It rained the entire day.
OK....... I'm exaggerating, it stopped for about 10 minutes while Gus & I waited outside for everyone else to do the Indiana Jones ride.
Max even said, "This is the best Disneyland trip I've ever had!"
And there is nothing better as a Mom to watch your little ones' faces on their first rides at Disneyland......... nothing!
I only took my camera out a couple times, which was rather nice.
Monday, February 8, 2010
Thursday, February 4, 2010
Here's hoping.....
I just got this from
I optimistically hung it on the wall by the Xbox and Wii, hoping it might have some kind of influence..........unlikely, I know.
But I love it!
Monday, February 1, 2010
Two exciting things happened today.....
Something happened that's never happened before.
The ice cream man found our neighborhood.
This created excitement the likes of which I haven't seen since Christmas morning.
I wish I had gotten a picture of half the nighborhood in line.
I'm thinking we might be seeing more of this ice cream man in the future.