Wednesday, June 30, 2010
Is this a bad sign?
Monday, June 28, 2010
Sunday, June 27, 2010
drama queen
Thursday, June 24, 2010
I mistakenly thought it wouldn't be a big deal with Gus being a big 4-year-old and able to communicate well & everything.
I was wrong.
He's been King of our Castle for 4 long years with Mom at his beck & call for his every whim & desire, and then one day, with much celebration, he's ousted from his throne by a new little princess!
Tough times!
He retaliated by being a royal pain, mostly to me. Saying mean things to me, which he never does. But luckily, has always been sweet to our little princess.
Now that the novelty has worn off, he's back to being his delightful self, though more grown up now.
He's taken to his new role as 'one of the big boys'.
He's definitely not a baby anymore.
But he'll always be my baby boy.
Marlee is loving having a little sister at last.
Tuesday, June 22, 2010

You know what I'm saying?
But for right now my kids looooove them.
Gus is constantly out back playing with them.
And they are so dang cute!
And I have to admit, I love them too.
Sunday, June 20, 2010
Thursday, June 17, 2010
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
Last week.....
It was a beautiful blessing & I was so glad she didn't cry during it.
Tuesday, June 8, 2010
Yeah for summer!
Monday, June 7, 2010
Mars says goodbye to junior high
I just can't believe she'll be in high school already! And the same one I went to. The one that feels like I just graduated from myself!
I was the 9th grade Photographer this year, and the 8th grade Photographer the year before that. So that meant I was in charge of putting together a slideshow movie for these 9th graders' graduation. The timing of which was not so great for me, having a baby in May & all that.
Luckily, several months ago I realized I could put Marlee to work for me. I'd let her take my old camera to school to take pictures for this slideshow, so I didn't have to. And she did a fabulous job, I must say!
I love this one she took of herself while waiting for her ride.
I love it. It's so junior high.
And here's a little collage of some of her work that went into the slideshow.......
Saturday, June 5, 2010
one week old
Then got Mars off to Girl's Camp and Jake off to Scout Camp, which was no small feat.
And now my goal each day is to piece together enough sleep between swim team, summer preschool, and water polo to make up for the sleepless night before.
My little angel still has her days & nights very mixed up. Most of the day her eyes are pretty much glued shut.
When her eyes are open (in the middle of the night), I can see that they look more & more like daddy's eyes, which I love!
So. In. Love.
Thursday, June 3, 2010
Irresponsible pet parents....
Tuesday, June 1, 2010
Junior High here he comes!
It was a nice little program, with a slideshow of all the students' Kindergarten, and then current pictures, speeches, and awards given out. Jake was one of a handful of kids who got a 'Big Improvement' award, or something about 'overcoming obstacles of some kind during the school year'. I can't remember how they put it. And we were like, "Whaa??" What's that about? Those kind of "awards" go to the kids that have a parent in jail, or kicked their smoking-pot-behind-the-portables habit, or something like that. Brian & I just looked at each other. Not clapping. We're still trying to figure out what obstacles he overcame. Maybe they found out about his compulsion to slip homework assignments behind the piano or under the couch, thinking that they would just 'go away'. Or.....I know I haven't been the most attentive mom this school year with the pregnancy & everything, but I didn't think I was that bad. We're a little perplexed........
(Notice how Jake's surrounded by girls)
But I was surprised that the whole event made me a little sad. In a bittersweet way. These kids were all so excited to be done with elementary school & moving on to 'so much cooler' junior high. And I wanted to scream at them, "Wait! You'll never have it this good again! You'll never have recess ever again. You'll never have your own desk with a cute nametag & pencil cup on it ever again. You'll never get to pick out prizes for reading books ever again. You'll never have a school library with beanbags & stuffed animals in it ever again.
They have no idea what's ahead of them. And I guess that's a good thing. So wonderfully naive.
Not that junior high is so horrible. But there certainly aren't any beanbags there.