Sunday, February 1, 2009

I joined Facebook


  1. K.... I am laughing out loud right now - your a hoot!

  2. Oh Nicole, that is classic!! lol! I know, the first week or so are addicting...okay, it's always addicting. Why do you think I'm up so late right now?? ha ha.


  4. That is so great! I'm glad to know you are like the rest of us!

  5. Welcome to "Loserville" Nicole! I have to agree with #2, it never gets old. You just find more friends, more friends to chit-chat with etc. Get used to a messy house my dear. Either that, or you might want to have the cleaning ladies come twice a week.

  6. How funny! We are all a little guilty! It sure is entertaining though!

  7. That is hilarious! Seriously it's addictive the first week, then you get over it.

  8. can i be one of your facebook friends? FB rules!

  9. That is so so funny Nicole. I laughed out loud when I saw it.

    Welcome to facebook though.. it is crazy. I don't know how some people have like 800 friends. Weird. But good to connect with old friends. I set limits for myself, or I can waste the day away!

    Hey.. you may want to check out Facebook hired my brother to head it up. (he is the one pictured there). Or if you have friends who would benefit, pass it on.

    thanks for great entertainment. :) I sympathize, and am guilty of the same.

  10. Oh boy, a picture really is worth a thousand words!(and a great big laugh!)

  11. I joined on Sunday to! I think the whole world is on it. I am still trying to figure it out. I need to talk to Leigh about it.

  12. I'm dying here...ha! Thanks for being my friend!

  13. Hi Nicole
    I LOVE your blog! I just discovered it again recently. Thanks for keeping us all laughing. Your pictures are incredible! Keep it coming.

  14. I just found your blog and I have no idea how. I think through Shawni? Anyway, you are hilarious! (...and I love your photos...)

    Hope you don't mind having a new blog reader.

  15. HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!! I am currently being harrassed and boycotted by my friends for not joining Facebook. I'll get to it.....maybe. This picture describes my fears. Only I guarantee my two year old will think of something that a vacuum won't take care of. Guaranteed.
