Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Barf-O-Rama 2009

No details necessary. We'd rather forget them. Mars would especially rather forget throwing up in the Junior High hallway.

And my washer died.
Stomach flu & broken washer..........not a good combo.


  1. Gross. I'm so so so sorry! Poor Marlee!

  2. It hit us really bad too. Monday and Tuesday we were all down and out. I too don't want to think about it. Hope you guys are feeling better!

  3. Darn it! I really really wish I could've been there to help clean it up!

  4. Barf-o-rama at our house to. I would LOVE to forget standing in line to board the airplane on Tuesday and having to RUN for the garbage can behind Mr. Airplane Ticket Taker and also puking in the barf bag as we began our descent.... um NAST!

  5. I meant Wed.... not that it matters.... but I'm tired. Ha!

  6. oh man I'm sorry! HOpe everyone's doing better soon!

  7. Crap. I jinxed myself. I shouldn't have read your blog. We are now a barfamily.
