Thursday, July 15, 2010

Our Fabulous Fourth

This was the best Fourth of July yet!
Especially since Gus didn't get lost this time.
Here's how it went down.
It was Sunday, so our whole group descended upon the poor Imperial Beach ward & probably close to doubled its' size.  Jake & Max P. helped out with passing the sacrament.  They were such good sports.  I was really proud.  And the Primary President was really glad that we weren't all staying for 2nd & 3rd hours with our 40+ kids!
After church we hung out by the pool mostly, and most of the kids played games in the lobby, until it was time to get ready for the fireworks.

The annual group shot

The Oklands, the Brians, the Heatons, the Pothiers, Us, the Tanners, the Garns, the Barneys, the Christensens, and the VerHaarens.

My goal this year was to be in as few pictures as possible, what with the post-partum pudge & all, but I got stuck having to be in the group shots. Oh, well.  Such a great group of people. I dig them all.  And the kids all dig each other.
We are just so lucky to have such great friends!
the girls
the guys


I couldn't believe we took this family picture before we realized that we didn't even have everybody!  Max is missing, and somebody else had to point it out to us.  I think I'm losin' it.

And some more family shots.....
I wish I had gotten one of everyone.

the Garns

the Heatons

the Barneys

the Pothiers

the VerHaarens

And more pictures..........

Then we head across the street to the golf course for the best view of the fireworks.

Caroline, on her way to her first fireworks.

We haul a sound system & generator, along with our blankets, pizza & pop, down to the golf course.  Somehow we end up on the same patch of grass every year.

When it starts to get dark, it's time to break out the glow stuff!
Pizza, music, friends, glow stuff, human rubberbands, perfectly cool weather...
Did I mention how super fun this is?

Then it's all topped off with a spectacular fireworks show.....
........Gives me goosebumps every time.

Can't wait til next year.


  1. Oh, to be tight with the Masons! Dang it Nicole! Every year when I hear about this trip and see your amazing pics, I start scheming of ways to get in with you guys. We could hook you up with some free mini golf. Or some crushed rock. : ) Hmmm... I'll keep thinking...

  2. We can't wait either!!!! Love being with you guys!

  3. I found your blog off of Shawni Eyre's I hope you don't mind that I blog stalk you every now and again. I think you have the cutest family and what a great mom you are! I am the mother of 4 boys (I WISH WISH WISH I had the two girls), so I relate to a lot of thing on your great blog. I also think you are AMAZING photographer. I love to see your pictures. Just thought I'd introduce myself instead of being a silent stalker :)

  4. Wowzas! (but it couldn't possibly have been your "best trip ever" because the Stapes weren't there.) Glad you had a great trip.

  5. This makes me want to go on vacation. I found your blog today and I love it!
