Thursday, June 25, 2009

LONDON - Part 1

This was our closest Underground station, to where we were staying.
The Underground's pretty slick. And much cleaner & nicer than Paris'.

Westminster Abbey

We happened to go when a flower arrangement festival was going on, so the Abbey was filled with all these fabulous flower arrangements. Westminster is so amazing. It is literally jam-packed full of the tombs of most of England's kings and queens, among tons of other 'important' people. There's some seriously old stuff in there.....which I find fascinating. I love really old stuff. Don't know why. Which is one reason I love London so much. So much history!
The detail is amazing! Love the gargoyles.
We were so lucky to have some sunshine in London!

I don't think we ever pulled out our umbrellas!!

The Changing of the Guard at Buckingham Palace.

Sometimes we just can't keep our hands off each other.......

St. James Park. My favorite. It's right next to Buckingham Palace.
We caught the end of the tulip season.

A different park.......can't remember the name.......where we sat & ate some lunch.

Mars picked up on this British guy. Don't they make such a cute couple?!!

Trafalgar Square. (where Marlee left her bag of souvenir purchases on the ground by Mr. Lion which, of course, was gone when we went back to get it. Bummer.)

The steps to St. Paul's Cathedral. Such a fabulous backdrop for taking pictures. I mean, I would flip out to have something half as cool in Arizona. Not fair.

Love this picture. Can you believe those doors!

Our last night in London, we headed over to the London Eye, to find out it had just closed for the night (major bummer), and we passed by this opening to an Underground station. We could hear the most amazing music that we could have sworn was a full orchestra. But as we got closer, we realized it was just these two guys. They were so good! We hung out & listened to them for quite a while & pretty much emptied our pockets while we were at it!

Big Ben & night.......on the Thames.
What a fun, fun trip we had.


The Scotts said...

You are amazing! What a neat trip and how fun that you took Marlee. Could she be your twin anymore!?!?!?

Holly said...

When we went....for 10 rained for an hour when we got there and then it stopped and didn't start again until we left. They were freaking out on the news talking about being in a drought. Ha ha! SO, SO different from AZ. Your pictures make me want to go back!

Eric Harris said...

Lisa kept telling me to get on your blog and look at the amazing pictures from your trip. Even with high expectations, I am still amazed. Lisa and I both have a passion for travel. One day maybe our income and passion will align, and we will be able to do something like this. Until then, it looks like I need to work on my photography! Beautiful posts.
Best regards,


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